Mega Code Archive

1) Android
2) ASP.Net
3) ASP.Net Tutorial
4) C
5) C Tutorial
6) C#
7) C# Book
8) C# by API
9) C# Tutorial
10) C++
11) C++ Tutorial
12) Delphi
13) Flash ActionScript
14) Flex
15) Java
16) Java Book
17) Java by API
18) Java Tutorial
19) JavaScript DHTML
20) JavaScript Reference
21) JavaScript Tutorial
22) MSOfficeExcel 2007 Tutorial
23) MSOfficePowerPoint 2007 Tutorial
24) MSOfficeWord 2007 Tutorial
26) MSSQL Tutorial
27) MySQL
28) MySQL Tutorial
29) Oracle PLSQL
30) Oracle PLSQL Tutorial
31) Perl
32) Php
33) PostgreSQL
34) Python
35) Python Tutorial
36) Ruby
37) Silverlight
38) VB.Net
39) VB.Net by API
40) VB.Net Tutorial
41) Visual C++ .NET
42) VisualBasic Script
43) XML
44) XML Tutorial
VB.Net Tutorial
1) 2D Graphics
2) Attributes
3) Class Module
4) Collections
5) Data Type
6) Database ADO Net
7) Date Time
8) Design Patterns
9) Development
10) Event
11) Generics
12) GUI
13) GUI Applications
14) Internationlization
15) Language Basics
16) LINQ
17) Operator
18) Reflection
19) Regular Expressions
20) Security
21) Socket Network
22) Statements
23) Stream File
24) Thread
25) Windows
26) WPF
27) XML
1) A simple event handler
2) A splash screen
3) About Dialog
4) Add a printer process
5) Add action listener to buttons on a ToolBar
6) Add and delete ListView Item
7) Add and remove tree nodes
8) Add Bolded Date for MonthCalendar
9) Add button to a form
10) Add Button to a form and attach event handler
11) Add children form to parent form
12) Add columns and rows to a ListView
13) Add control to Form dynamically
14) Add controls to a panel
15) Add Date and Time to StatusBar
16) Add file name to ListView
17) Add image to Label
18) Add Key event to Form window
19) Add Label to a form
20) Add Menu and MenuItem in your code
21) Add Menu to Form window and attach actions
22) Add new Tab
23) Add objects to CheckedListBox
24) Add Panels to StatusBar
25) Add popup menu to Form
26) Add submenu to menu
27) Add TextBox to Form in code
28) Add the Button control to the Form Controls collection
29) Add title to group box
30) Add ToolTip to TextBox
31) Add ToolTip to TextBox and ComboBox
32) Add value to Checked List Box
33) Add value to ComboBox
34) Add value to ListBox
35) Add, remove and clear list box items
36) AnchorStyles Bottom Or AnchorStyles Left
37) AnchorStyles Bottom Or AnchorStyles Right
38) AnchorStyles Left Or AnchorStyles Right
39) AnchorStyles Top Or AnchorStyles Right
40) Auto Scroll Form
41) Background worker
42) Blue 25 Percent Opaque
43) Border Less form
44) Build file tree recursively
45) Build Form hierarchically
46) Build menu at runtime
47) Button Anchor
48) Button click event
49) Button click event and text changed event
50) Button FlatStyle
51) Button ImageList
52) Button PerformClick
53) Button PerformClick Method
54) Button Properties
55) Button with background image
56) Button, Menu, ComboBox on ToolBar
57) Cast event sender to control
58) Change Controls background color
59) Change Form Size
60) Change Form Size, Text, Background Color and button font
61) Change icon for NotifyIcon
62) Change Label font
63) Change Label text and width in Button action
64) Change ListView state
65) Change RichTextBox Selection color
66) Change RichTextBox Selection Font
67) Change TextBox font by RadioButton and CheckBox
68) Check Control type
69) CheckBox Check States
70) CheckBox checkuncheck event
71) CheckBox MenuItem
72) CheckBox with three states
73) Checked List Box selection event
74) CheckedListBox
75) Close a Form
76) Color Dialog with custom color settings
77) ColorDialog
78) ComboBox Cell renderer
79) ComboBox Selected Index Changed event
80) ComboBox selection event and Add items
81) Comprehensive Demo for TextBox
82) Constrol Anchor
83) Control Dock
84) Control Docking
85) Control Dynamic Size Location
86) Convert input value in a TextField
87) Convert Mouse event to form caption drag and drop event
88) Copy and paste between RichTextBox
89) Copy and paste Object
90) Copy selection text from a TextBox and paste to another
91) Create control in a separate thread
92) Create Dialog from Form
93) Create Form by inheriting System Windows Forms Form
94) Create Form window by hand
95) Create Menu in your code
96) Create MessageBox dynamically
97) Create PasswordField by setting the TextBox PasswordChar
98) Create user control
99) Create Your own browser based on DLL
100) Creating List Views in Code
101) Creating Tree Views in Code
102) Custom dialog with custom class
103) Custom paint Button
104) Custom Tab
105) Custom your MessageBox
106) DataTimePicker format
107) DateTimePicker format
108) Demonstrates using threads in a GUI
109) Demonstrating the use of MDI parent and child windows
110) Dialog apply method
111) Dialog with properties
112) DialogResult Retry, Abort, Cancel
113) Disable TextBox Context Menu
114) Display all cursors
115) Display Print dialog and get settings
116) Display text file in a TextBox
117) Displaying directories and their contents in ListView
118) Displaying square root of 2 in dialog
119) Dock more than one controls to the bottom
120) DomainUpDowns
121) Drag and drop color between label
122) Drag and drop custom object
123) Drag and drop irregular window
124) Drag and drop ListBox
125) Drag and drop text between labels
126) Drag file from File Explore to ListBox
127) Draw on a PictureBox
128) Draw on PictureBox border
129) Drop a file
130) ErrorProvider
131) Essential elements of a Windows Forms application
132) File OpenSave dialog
133) Find text in RichTextBox
134) FlowLayoutPanel
135) Font dialog apply action
136) Font dialog showing effects
137) Form
138) Form Events Illustration
139) Form Fade out
140) Form Hole
141) Form Inheritance
142) Form Invalidate
143) Form Layout event
144) Form mouse event
145) Form Opacity
146) Form Refresh is faster than the Form Invalidate
147) Form Resize
148) Form resize event
149) Form template for use with visual inheritance
150) FormBorderStyle None
151) Four ProgressBars
152) Friend Control
153) Get all controls on a form and check type
154) Get Control Anchoring Information
155) Get Control Location and Size
156) Get Custom dialog returning value
157) Get DialogResult
158) Get error from ErrorProvider
159) Get Graphics from PictureBox
160) Get input from a password field
161) Get input from InputBox
162) Get input from TextBox and Set to Label
163) Get installed printers
164) Get LinkData from LinkLabel
165) Get mouse over index by mouse location
166) Get selected file name in a OpenFileDialog
167) Get selected font from FontDialog
168) Get selected Items in a ListBox
169) Get selected indices in a ListBox
170) Get selected item in a ListBox selection event
171) Get selected RadioButton
172) Get selected text in TextBox
173) Get Text from ComboBox
174) Get the SelectedPath FolderBrowserDialog
175) Get TrackBar value and LargeChange value
176) Get value from DateTimePicker
177) Get value from MonthCalendar
178) Get value from the NumericUpDown control
179) Handle multiple event handlers from different controls
180) Handles the Click event of a Button to change the background color of a TextBox
181) Has more pages
182) HatchBrush Illustration by using ComboBox
183) Hide a control
184) Inherit TextBox to create custom control based on TextBox
185) InputBox Demo
186) Installed Font Collection
187) Irregular shape of Button
188) Label drag
189) Label Drag and Drop
190) Label Drop
191) Label mouse click event
192) Label TextAlign
193) Link Add
194) Link ProgressBar with a TrackBar
195) LinkArea in LinkLabel
196) LinkLabel
197) LinkLabel local action
198) List all font family name
199) ListBox double click event
200) ListBox selection event
201) ListView custom sort
202) ListView Demo
203) ListView Item Check event
204) ListView ItemActivate event
205) ListView with CheckBox cell
206) Load Browser
207) Load File Explore
208) Load image to PictureBox
209) Load txt file to RichTextBox
210) Load Window Application
211) Login Dialog
212) Long process and GUI
213) Make NotifyIcon visible
214) MDI Children Form Array
215) MenuStrip Demo
216) Message Filter
217) MessageBox
218) MessageBox Icon and Button
219) MessageBox OK and Cancel Button
220) MessageBox with Message and Title
221) MessageBox with Message only
222) MessageBox with OK, Cancel button and Information
223) MessageBox with Yes No Cancel button and Question icon
224) MonthCalendar MinMax Date
225) MonthCalendar SelectionRange
226) MsgBox and vbYes
227) MsgBox with only message
228) MsgBox with title and Abort Retry Ignore buttons
229) MultiColumn ListBox
230) Multiline Label
231) Multiline Text Boxes
232) Multiple links and generic handler
233) Multiple Selections
234) NotifyIcon class
235) NotifyIcon double click event
236) NotifyIcon with Popup Menu
237) Numeric TextBox
238) Open children window in menu action
239) Open File Dialog Filter
240) Override the DefaultSize property to gain better performance
241) Overrides OnNotifyMessage method
242) Owner draw button
243) Owner draw form
244) Owner draw ListBox
245) Owner draw ListBox fixed
246) Owner draw menu
247) Owner Draw MenuItem
248) Paint all available font families
249) Paint Control
250) Panel auto scroll position
251) PictureBox
252) PictureBox Mouse down event
253) Prevent dialog box from validating file
254) Print setup Dialog
255) Print text file
256) Print text in TextBox to printer and set up page
257) Print three pages out
258) Print view text in RichTextBox
259) Print, PrintPreview Dialog and Print Dialog
260) PrintPreview page count
261) PrintSettings for a Print dialog
262) ProgressBar value
263) PropertyGrid Demo
264) Put RadioButtons to a Tab Control
265) RadioButton MenuItem
266) RadioButtons in a GroupBox
267) Read and Save controls on a form to a file
268) Read Integer value from Keyboard
269) Redraw when Form resizing
270) Resize a group box
271) Resize controls
272) Resize irregular window
273) Return value from MessageBox
274) Return value from MsgBox
275) RichText MDI Editor
276) RichTextBox RedoUndo
277) Runtime ListView
278) Save Rtf file from RichTextBox and Read Rtf file to RichTextBox
279) Save text in RichTextBox into a file
280) Save text in TextBox to a file
281) SaveFileDialog filter and selected file name
282) Scroll Bar scrolls and get its current value
283) ScrollBars - NumericUpDowns
284) Scrolling Text by Timer
285) SendKeys
286) Set ColorDialog properties
287) Set Control Bounds
288) Set Control Parent
289) Set Controls foreground color
290) Set cursor position
291) Set default button for MessageBox
292) Set DialogResult to Button
293) Set Form Background color
294) Set Form background image
295) Set Form cursor to Wait cursor
296) Set Form Icon
297) Set Form ResizeRedraw
298) Set InitialDirectory and FilterIndex for OpenFileDialog
299) Set InitialDirectory for SaveFileDialog
300) Set Label Border style
301) Set Labels ImageList
302) Set LinkLabel ImageList
303) Set MenuItem to RadioCheckChecked
304) Set MenuItem visible and invisible
305) Set MsgBox Button combination
306) Set OpenFileDialog Filter and get selected file name
307) Set Properties for a FontDialog
308) Set Properties for FolderBrowserDialog
309) Set selected item in a ListBox
310) Set step for ProgressBar
311) Set text for ComboBox
312) Set todays date
313) Set Tooltips for Label
314) Set TransparencyKey
315) Set up an event handler for the Timer Elapsed event, creates a timer, and starts the timer
316) Show Form Message
317) Show PageSetupDialog and display the settings
318) Simple Editor based on RichTextBox
319) Sort a listview
320) Splitter Control
321) StatusBar mouse click events
322) StatusStrip Demo
323) SystemIcons Application, SystemIcons Asterisk, SystemIcons Error
324) SystemIcons Exclamation, SystemIcons Hand, SystemIcons Information
325) SystemIcons Question, SystemIcons Warning, SystemIcons WinLogo
326) Tab Control
327) TabControl and TabPages
328) TableLayoutPanel
329) TextBox Text Changed Event
330) TextBox validating event
331) TextField validation
332) Thread Sleeps in a buttons action
333) Timer event
334) Timer interval
335) Timer Start and Stop
336) Toggle Buttons
337) ToolStrip Button
338) Transparent Form
339) Tree Node selection event
340) TreeView CheckBox
341) Update panel text on a Status Bar
342) Use a tree to manage MDI Child window
343) Use AddOwnedForm method to set Form owner
344) Use Color Dialog to set Color
345) Use Color dialog to set the Label foreground color
346) Use ComboBox to control TextBox font color
347) Use Constrols Tag
348) Use Font dialog to set Label font
349) Use Helper provider (press F1 to display the message)
350) Use HelpProvider to launch a web page
351) Use InputBox to read Double value
352) Use InputBox to read Integer value
353) Use InputBox to read string value
354) Use LinkLabel to start a browser
355) Use OpenFileDialog to load image to PictureBox
356) Use popup menu to add and delete ListBox item
357) Use RadioButton to control the LineCap
358) Use RadioButton to set font
359) Use ScollBar to control font size
360) Use ScrollBar to control the image scroll in a PictureBox
361) Use ScrollBars to control the scroll of an Image
362) Use SplitContainer
363) Use Spliter
364) Use three timers
365) Use Timer to control a ProgressBar
366) Use Timer to refresh Label
367) Use TrackBar to control the Scale
368) Use With statement to set Form properties
369) User defined Dialog
370) User-defined control with a timer and a label
371) Using a PictureBox to display images
372) Using a textbox, label and button to display the hidden text in a password box
373) Using a TreeView to display the directory structure
374) Using CheckBoxes to toggle italic and bold styles
375) Using ComboBox to select shape to draw
376) Using Controls in a Windows Forms Application
377) Using GroupBoxes and Panels to hold buttons
378) Using LinkLabels to create hyperlinks
379) Using menus to change font colors and styles
380) Using RadioButtons to set message window options
381) Using TabControl to display various font settings
382) Using the checked list boxes to add items to a list box
383) Using the PrintDocument
384) Validate user information using regular expressions
385) Value change event
386) WebBrowser Demo
387) Wizard Controls
388) Your first Form window